We help you manage your money with convenient and effective bank services.
Do you need a business loan?Our expert Commercial Lenders provide guidance to borrowers to ensure they are in the right loan product, borrowing the right amount of money, and under the right terms.
PPNB provides convenient services that allow you to manage your money in the way that works best for YOU and your business.
You chose to bank with us for a reason, now we're giving you one more... A Visa® credit card. Does your credit card have a great community behind it?
Need to replace your debit card? PPNB now prints debit cards on-the-spot. No more waiting for 10-14 days for a new card!
The Small Business Account is for businesses who are looking to grow their business with the tools PPNB can offer while still maintaining a minimum balance.
Are you a larger business who pays employees by direct deposit and has numerous check & deposit transactions each month?